Medical Marijuana Legalization More Research Needed

Medical Marijuana Legalization More Research NeededMedical Marijuana United States and Florida

Medical Marijuana Legalization More Research Needed

Surgeon General Calls for Research

As more support for medical marijuana grows, it is vital for the US to start investing in research to not only understand the scientific benefits, but identify the benefits in health and impacts on business opportunities. The US currently lags behind other countries because of its position on the subject, most importantly its classification as a dangerous drug.  Hopefully, that changes with Medical Marijuana Legalization More Research Needed.

At the close of 2018, the U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams called on the federal government to rethink marijuana’s classification as it pertains to medical research. While the Surgeon General did not go so far as to condone legalization for recreational use, he did say that medically, marijuana should be studied, noting, “While I support local solutions to help solve our national public health challenges, they must be led by a science-driven policy. Currently, NIH funded research on marijuana is pressing forward and we are making progress in studying marijuana and its impact on the human brain, body, and behavior as well as on our communities. We should continue to seek ways to encourage and enable research to best inform policies regarding the potential medicinal properties of marijuana.”

While the Surgeon General is right in his position on medical research, the move would serve other purposes as well. The change he proposed could be significant for justice system reforms and an economic triumph for the U.S. His belief– and that of researchers around the world– is that the current U.S. classification of marijuana inhibits research for medical advancements that include cannabis and cannabinoids, with the U.S. falling behind in both knowledge and financing.

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Scott Lawrence
Author: Scott Lawrence

Scott is a cannabis fan, enjoying the experience as much as the feeling.

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