7 WEIRD Medical Marijuana and Medical Marijuana Doctors Facts

MMJ doctors provide medical marijuana recommendations!

Where are Qualified Physicians Listed?

Some states make it easy to find the doctors, others not so much. Each state has their own list of medical marijuana doctors that can give you access to a medical card. In Florida, the OMMU is the Florida Department of Health organization that runs the program. Your state may be different. The State provides physicians with the required training to be qualified to offer marijuana to treating patients. Patients and family members have the option of using the search feature for doctors who are certified in medical marijuana based on location or speciality. optimized content goes here!

What conditions qualify?

Each state has their own list of qualifying conditions. Some states focus on conditions like epilepsy, others include a variety of terminal conditions. More and more are starting to include medical conditions like multiple sclerosis, HIV, post traumatic stress disorder and anxiety in addition to chronic nonmalignant pain. If the patient possesses a health condition that qualifies in their state, the doctor can provide a medical marijuana recommendation after doing a proper medical marijuana evaluation.

How do I get a medical marijuana card?

Again, each state is different. In many states, the medical marijuana doctor provides a medical marijuana evaluation and then you review your medical history and discusses your condition. If you’re a qualified patient, typically, but not always, you will register with the state, typically on their patient portal, using their medical marijuana card application. Upon approval, sometimes immediately, other times via email and others via a hard card, you can shop at a medical marijuana dispensary. In Florida, we typically don’t see medical marijuana card application rejected for medical reasons. It’s usually because of an address or other data issue, so check your information carefully!

Does my medical doctor do medical marijuana cards?

Some traditional licensed physicians are also medical marijuana doctors, but not always. Since medical marijuana is not federally legal, there are some doctors, even if they support medical marijuana, who won’t recommend medical marijuana because they are concerned about getting in trouble. Also, medical marijuana doctors can’t accept insurance for medical marijuana evaluations, so it doesn’t always fit in their business models. So sometimes it’s more non-traditional or older doctors that do medical marijuana recommendations.

Is there a dispensary near me?

Once you become a medical marijuana patient, you’l be able to shop at a marijuana dispensary. In some states, they stick out like a sore thumb and other states the locations are more discreet. Check out our state medical marijuana dispensary lists to find one near you.

What do medical cannabis dispensaries sell?

Again, each state is different. Some sell flower (ie bulk weed) and pre rolls (you know them as joints), vaporizers (vapes), lotions, edibles and more. Other states are more limited on the kinds of medical cannabis for sale. If smoking marijuana is your thing, you should check to see if your state allows it. Some dispensaries provide medical marijuana deals and discounts too.

Do dispensaries deliver?

Due to their qualifying conditions, some patients prefer delivery. In some states medical marijuana delivery is legal (and others not)! And some even have same day service. Your local medial marijuana dispensary budtender can answer questions and provide helpful information about deliveries, etc. The good news about delivery is that the drivers usually arrive in discreet vehicles.

Medical Marijuana Summary

There you have it. The only thing that is consistent is that each state is different (and sometimes very different!). We wish this wasn’t the case and hopefully this will change once medical marijuana is federally legalized. For now, you have to follow your individual state rules.