Keep Calm During Coronavirus

Keep Calm During Coronavirus

Keep Calm During Coronavirus

Keep Calm During Coronavirus – Covid19 Stress Busters

In the land of COVID-19, social isolation means many of us have lost access to our regular lives. Where we once found social connection at work, we may now find ourselves working from home. Where we once looked forward to quality time with friends and family, such gatherings are currently prohibited. Add in that schools and daycares are closed, stress can be even more of an issue.

Even though these are tough times we can keep calm during Coronavirus and find new ways to de-stress.  With all the new stressors impacting each and every one of us, we all need to take proactive steps to lift ourselves and reduce stress as much as possible.

What we don’t need now is added stress or pressure. Unfortunately, some of the guidance out there doesn’t align with the reality of our lives. For instance, the suggestion to use this time to “write a book” or “learn a new skill” you’ve been putting off is far out of reach for caregivers who are suddenly homeschooling their kids, employees or contractors who are working long hours (even if doing so remotely), and especially for the many of us who fit into both of those categories.

Inspired by Marsha Linehan, professor of psychology at the University of Washington, we pulled together a list of simple activities that can be accomplished in limited time, within your home. Many of the items are also friendly for families with young children.  Take only what works for you and please feel free to add additional ideas and suggestions in the comments.

Stress-Busting Ideas to Keep Calm During Coronavirus

IMPORTANT: The goal isn’t to do all of these, rather it’s to use this list to inspire ideas.

  1. Get comfy – Yep, its okay to live in your PJs (just change them daily with a fresh new pair).
  2. Write a list of things you are thankful for – take 5 to 10 minutes a day to remember what you have and are grateful for.
  3. Stream a fitness class – From boot camp to yoga, is just one of the places to find free virtual classes. Got kids at home? Check out Cosmic Kids Yoga.
  4. Color – Coloring is another way to quiet the mind.
  5. Do one thing at a time – Multitasking is taxing. Give yourself the gift of uni-tasking.
  6. Clean your house – Yes, many really do find this relaxing!
  7. Connect with friends and family virtually – Connection with other humans is quite possibly the number one stress-buster.
  8. Smell cinnamon – Certain scents have the power to soothe. Essential oils are great, but so are items like cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, and coffee, which more people happen to already have in their home.
  9. Bake – You can bake as a fun way to connect with your kids, for mental relaxation, to cozy up your home with delicious smells, or simply for the delicious outcome.  Dance – Choose a favorite song on Spotify, or an entire playlist, and dance like no one’s watching.
  10. Go for a walk – If you are still permitted to go for a stroll, this has countless benefits for health and wellbeing.
  11. Tour a museum – Google’s Arts and Culture collection enables us to virtually tour some of the world’s most famous museums from our couches.
  12. Take a nap.
  13. Cook a special meal – Special can range from gourmet to simply setting the table as you would for guests.
  14. Watch TV or a Movie – For many, Hulu and Netflix are key ways to relax.  Watch something funny, laughter really can be the best medicine.
  15. Limit news consumption – check-in for tidbits, but don’t over consume the news.
  16. Craft – Arts and crafts can be joyful and soothing for kids and adults of all ages.
  17. Support local business – Many businesses and restaurants still offer delivery.
  18. Listen to music – Music has many psychological benefits, including reducing stress, helping to manage pain, and even helping to curb overeating.
  19. Get a full night’s sleep – When we lose the regular rhythm of our day, we may also find our sleep disrupted.
  20. Play “would you rather?” via text – This age-old game has endured for a reason.
  21. Disconnect – Take a two-hour break from technology.
  22. Drink a warm beverage – You can do this by yourself, or ask a friend to join you for a “virtual coffee.”
  23. Kick your feet up – A key pose in restorative yoga is lying down with the legs up against a wall.
  24. Play with your pet if you have one.  An extra walk or two with you pooch will likely always help you both feel better.

Keep Calm During Coronavirus

Keep Calm During Coronavirus and Get Your Medical Marijuana Card

Here at Calm Effect, we believe that people should have a wide-range of choices regarding their health.  Now that the many states across the U.S. and the State of Florida have legalized Medical Marijuana, our goal is to ensure that those who are looking for information can quickly find it. Whether you have physical pain or are dealing with other challenges, you should be aware of all of your alternatives- which in many states include Medical Marijuana options.  To learn more about CalmEffect, please check out our VIP PROGRAM.

Obtaining a medical marijuana card doesn’t have to be a stressful process. As long as the patient qualifies, they are able to make an appointment to speak with a qualified doctor who can make the recommendation for the patient. There are a number of doctors that are able to assist with the certification and from there, patients can find a dispensary and legally purchase medical marijuana without fear of legal ramifications.  RSVP for a qualified Doctor Appointment now by CLICKING HERE.

Still have questions on how to keep calm during Coronavirus or about Medical Marijuana options?  Please fill out the form below.

Shay Dee
Author: Shay Dee

Shay is a modern cannabis connoisseur! She enjoys low THC vapes, some infused beverages, and uses CBD for its various medical effects.