Medical Marijuana Myths and Misconceptions

Medical Marijuana Myths

Medical Marijuana Myths

Medical Marijuana Myths and Misconceptions Florida

Though around 71 percent of Florida residents voted to legalize medical marijuana, there are still those folks who are stanchly opposed to it. In seems like most of these objections stem from the misunderstanding that some have about the benefits of cannabis for chronically ill patients, and confusing medical grade products with that of recreational marijuana. There are also some medical marijuana myths and misconceptions about the doctors who are writing the recommendations for medical pot and what their qualifications are.

Is there THC in Medical Marijuana?

First off, the law allowing the use of medical cannabis is very structured, limiting the amount of THC in the actual products and providing a higher level of CBD, the element in the plant that doesn’t give you that “high” feeling. CBD is known for its countless health benefits, including lowering the risk of seizures and help manage pain symptoms. In fact, CBD products are often given to children who are suffering from certain diseases like epilepsy and cancer to offer some much needed relief.

What kind of training do Doctors take part in?

Additionally, issuing doctors need to go through a special training in order to be able to write the recommendations in the first place. The trainings are state mandated and adhere to the strict laws that Florida has put forth, and patients aren’t allowed to have an endless supply of pot per doctors visit. Doctors are allowed to prescribe a 70 day supply with a maximum of two refills, and once patients have gone through that amount, they have to have another office visit in order to keep receiving their medication.

Medical Marijuana Myths dispelled and the Outlook

While some people will never change their minds when it comes to the subject of cannabis, a growing number of officials and lawmakers who were originally opposed to the idea have started to have a change of heart as they learn more about the health benefits to patient with debilitating diseases.

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