Medical Marijuana Information for Florida

Medical Marijuana Information

Medical Marijuana Information

What To Expect If You’re Looking for Medical Marijuana Information

Are you looking for updated medical marijuana information? Florida is new to the legal medical marijuana game, and some patients may not exactly know what to expect after receiving their card. First off, some of the lingo is a little different for medical marijuana that it is for other non marijuana related medical needs. For instance, doctors don’t “prescribe” medical marijuana, but “recommend” it, because of it’s controlled substance status.

Dispensary Location

Another thing to be aware of is some patients may need to log a few extra miles in order to fill their recommendations at a dispensary. This is mainly due to how recently Florida passed this law and not all counties are completely on board yet. However with the growing number of patients on a daily basis, this is something that is expected to change very soon.


Cost Expectations

Medical marijuana isn’t sold in pharmacies and therefore isn’t covered by any insurance. This means some out of pocket costs up front of the patient. In most cases the initial doctors visit to issued a recommendation is around $250 and getting the actual medical card that states they are legal and registered is around $75. These numbers don’t include the price of the actual medical marijuana products that patients purchase from the dispensaries either. But there may be a silver lining to these issues after all, since that initial doctor’s fee is usually less expensive for follow up visits, and the card only needs to be renewed once a year. Additionally when the patients do actually shell out the money for the marijuana each prescription is for a 70 day supply, which makes it a cost effective expense.

In summary, patients need to:

  • Make an appointment with a Doctor and get a “recommendation”
  • Apply for the medical marijuana ID card with the State of Florida
  • Visit a dispensary to purchase the product

Again, since the law legalizing medical marijuana is still so fresh, there are adjustments and amendments happening all the time, so newer and future patients can expect growth within this industry at least for while as the kinks are getting worked out, and as more and more doctors are expanding their practices.

Need more Medical Marijuana Information?  Contact Us.


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