5 Tips To Cook with Medical Cannabis

5 Tips To Cook with Medical Cannabis

5 Tips To Cook with Medical Cannabis

5 Tips To Cook with Medical Cannabis

As we discovered from one of our webinar participants, vaping or using drops under the tongue may not always be a preferred method for MMJ. And, as marijuana laws continue to evolve across the U.S, cooking with cannabis will become a more popular method for delivery.

However, it is not that easy, and in fact, many people create kitchen disasters, and wind up wasting their medical supply.

So, we want to give you 5 Tips to Cook with Medical Cannabis so you know what to do, to ensure your success.

  1. Decarboxylate the Cannabis

5 Tips To Cook with Medical Cannabis

Raw cannabis can NOT be cooked.  Raw cannabis contains THC-acid, and the acid needs to be heated in order to make the THC bioavailable. Decarboxylation makes this process possible. If you want to get the maximum THC extraction, you should always decarboxylate before cooking up your infusion. There are multiple ways to decarboxylate your cannabis prior to cooking. For best results, grind up your THC over a cooking sheet and roast it in the oven. One hour at 230 degrees Fahrenheit should do the trick.

  1. Don’t Over-Grind

5 Tips To Cook with Medical Cannabis

You need to breakdown the bud before cooking. So, you’ll need a good quality hand grinder.

But it is important not to grind your cannabis into powder, as it will not increase the amount of bioavailable THC. When ground properly, your buds should look like dried oregano, not powder. And make sure you preserve the hairs and stems as much as possible, as they contain much of the THC.

  1. Don’t Use Too Much. And Wait for It.

5 Tips To Cook with Medical Cannabis

You don’t want your food to make you too high. Remember, this is Medical Cannabis and you need to make sure it lasts. And food with MMJ takes more time to feel, so you need to make sure you are home, or at a place where you don’t need to leave for a while. Remember, the THC is absorbed through the bloodstream rather than the respiratory system, which means the drug takes longer to work but has a much more potent effect. Just remember, when it comes to cooking, less is more. And Practice makes Perfect. Once you have the right amounts of Cannabis to produce your pain relief, anxiety relief, etc., use it as your template recipe.

  1. Strain the Oil with a Cheesecloth.

5 Tips To Cook with Medical Cannabis

Once you have infused your oil, it’s time to strain out the plant material. Cheesecloth is often recommended because it allows oil to pass through while separating it from the ground plant material, but only if you let gravity do the straining for you. Do not squeeze the cheesecloth to get every drop of oil out, as this will push out more plant material, along with the oil. One thing you do not want to taste, are stems in your food.

  1. Think Beyond the Brownies

5 Tips To Cook with Medical Cannabis

Cannabis is an herb, and perfect for using in multiple recipes…not just brownies or cookies. Think about all the places you might use oregano – in sauces, potatoes, savory and spicy dishes like chili, roasted chicken, and meatloaf. And don’t be afraid to venture out and buy some “real” cookbooks…not just scan the internet for recipes. There are many chefs out there who specialize in cooking with Cannabis; click here to read an article about 5 Chefs Who Are Breaking Stereotypes About “Weed Food ”

We would love to hear your thoughts on 5 Tips To Cook with Medical Cannabis.  Have you tried these tips?  Comment your recipes below so everyone can try!

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Shay Dee
Author: Shay Dee

Shay is a modern cannabis connoisseur! She enjoys low THC vapes, some infused beverages, and uses CBD for its various medical effects.

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